Why You Should Master the Golden Ratio in Your Designs

How You Can Make Use of the Golden Ratio in Your Designs

Why You Should Master the Golden Ratio in Your Designs

Mastering the use of the golden ratio can help elevate your design from good to great. When we think about art and design, we often don’t think about reasons or specific explanations for what we’ve made. However, as humans, we are drawn to balance and symmetry. That’s where the golden ratio can come in. It helps add harmony to the works you’ve made.

Now, just using this concept doesn’t mean that your piece will suddenly become attractive. It merely serves as a tool and guide that will help you create the best symmetrical look possible. You can use the golden ratio to perfect the way you design your logos, websites, products, labels, and more.

Today, this guide will show you how to master the golden ratio for your designs. 

Let’s take a look.

Designing Logos

Having a well-designed logo is vital to the success of your business. It conveys a message to people who see it. As such, if your logo is poorly designed, it can deter people from wanting to engage with you. This is why it is a good idea to integrate the golden ratio in your logos. The beautiful symmetry will help draw people in and give them an idea about you at a single glance.

The biggest brands in the world make use of the golden ratio in their own logos, so its effectiveness cannot be denied. Making use of the golden ratio will result in simple, symmetrical icons. You can test different designs to see what’s going to fit with your brand image and how your target audience reacts to the logo you’ve made. You can try to print and pass out stickers to soft launch your marketing campaign.

custom die cut sticker

Image Creation

When creating an image, it may take some time to achieve the look you’re looking for. A great way for you to quicken the process is by using the golden ratio. You can overlay the graph on your images to see how each part fits and if they are symmetrical and harmonious. The golden spiral will point you to where each part should be, how to maximize the impact of the headline, and which element needs to be moved.

This method also works if you are editing an image. You can overlay the golden spiral to make sure that the focal point of the image is where it’s supposed to be: the center of the spiral. Using this guide can infinitely make the images your composing look better and symmetrical.


Due to the number of things that you need to put together, creating a layout may be the most difficult part of the design process. It’s a challenge to know what goes where and what looks best when placed in a certain location. Once again, using the golden spiral is your friend here. Our gaze is naturally drawn to the centre of the spiral, so you’ll want to place the most important part of the design there. 

golden ratio layout

Final Thoughts

Once you’ve mastered the golden ratio, it will become your new best friend. It should be noted that, because of the universal nature of the golden spiral in our lives, you’re bound to use it. Whether you know about it or not. It is always a good idea to check your designs within 1.618 to take your creations to the next level. Be sure to use this guide when you are making some logo stickers for your business or brand.

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